Security Guard for our building
Over the past three years, security has been a growing concern for our building. Some of the most problematic sources for these concerns are club patrons exiting C-Lounge and entering our property.
There have been numerous accounts in previous summers of drunken patrons making excessive noise, throwing-up on our property, blocking our driveway, and using our parking lot as a washroom or as a venue for romantic encounters. However, the Board recognizes that it is difficult and onerous for C-Lounge security to control these patrons once they leave the C-Lounge premises.
In response to this ongoing problem, the Board and management have contracted with a well-established security firm to provide our building with a part-time security guard.
The duties of the security guard will include patrolling our property between the hours of 9:00pm and 3:00am on Friday, Saturday and Monday, which are the busiest times for C-Lounge. He will prevent unauthorized access by C-Lounge patrons/ vehicles onto our property, and he will also control vehicles and taxis blocking our driveway.
As part of the Board’s ongoing negotiations with Liberty Entertainment Group, the operator of C-Lounge, the Board has negotiated an agreement in which Liberty Entertainment will unconditionally reimburse our condo corporation in full for all costs associated with this new security contract.
Therefore, this security service comes at no expense to the unit owners or the corporation.
Because these negotiations are ongoing, the Board hopes to further work towards establishing a reasonable level of peace and quiet this summer, on behalf of all residents.
The Board has directed our security firm with the following terms under our contract. Please be aware that:
1. The security guard will check in at 9:00 pm and leave at 3:00 am on designated nights. In cases of after-hours events, the security guard will remain on-site longer as needed.
2. Upon check-in, the security guard will make one-round of designated interior common areas followed by a patrol of our parking lot and exterior grounds. The majority of his shift will be spent maintaining watch over our main driveway and controlling unauthorized pedestrian or vehicular entry. At the end of his shift he will make a final patrol of our parking lot, exterior grounds, and designated interior common areas. He will have full access to all common areas but he will not be given access to any individual units.
3. The security guard will maintain a nightly log of all incidents and occurrences and forward this report to the Board.
4. C-Lounge has agreed to grant our security guard with the authority to direct C-Lounge doormen and security personnel, or seek their assistance when necessary. He will also maintain 2-way radio contact with C-Lounge security, but will not be required to assist them or take direction from C-Lounge management, unless it is in our building’s security interest.
5. The security guard will be in standard uniform while on premises. Although likely unnecessary, he will be equipped with handcuffs and will have the proper training and authority to conduct a lawful arrest if necessary. However as part of our agreement with C-Lounge, he will only do so if absolutely necessary, and will be instructed to diffuse any situations with as much tact as possible.
6. To maintain consistency, the security firm will provide us with a dedicated guard so that the same individual will be working at our building.
7. The security guard has been instructed to treat our residents and their guests with a high level of respect and courtesy. However the Board would ask all residents to in turn be courteous to our guard -- and bear with him if he briefly questions you or your guests initially, until he becomes familiar with individual residents.
8. The security guard will assist residents when requested to do so, and will accompany residents or guests to a nearby vehicle parked on the street or off the premises, at his discretion. However residents should be aware that he is not our concierge. In order to avoid possible confusion or misunderstanding, residents should be aware that the security guard will be authorized to take directions from the corporation’s Board of Directors and/ or management only. Residents should generally refrain from attempting to give orders or direct the actions of the security guard, unless a situation clearly calls for it.
If a resident experiences any problems with our security guard, the Board should be notified immediately by phone or email.
Kyle Pae,
President Board of Directors MTCC 1232
On behalf of:
Dragi Dodesvski, Vice-President
Matt Armstrong, Secretary
Liron Daniels/ Gabriel Bengino, Harris Property Management
Thanks to the Board and Management for this attempt at a solution. I also applaud C Lounge for their co-operation. I welcome our security guard!
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