Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Annual Fire Test

To All Residents

RE: Annual Fire Test

Please be advised that on Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 we will be conducting the annual fire test. The contractor, accompanied by a representative of the Corporation will need access into each resident's unit between the hours of 9am and 5pm, in order to inspect the heat/smoke detectors amongst all other fire related devices.
During the duration of the test, the alarm will be sounded in irregular intervals between the hours of 9am and 5pm for the testing of the detectors in the units and common areas of the building (boiler room, stairwells)
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Gabriel Bengino at (416) 915-9115 ext. 22.

Thank you for your cooperation,
On Behalf Of MTCC 1232

-Harris Management

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Security Guard for our building

Over the past three years, security has been a growing concern for our building. Some of the most problematic sources for these concerns are club patrons exiting C-Lounge and entering our property.
There have been numerous accounts in previous summers of drunken patrons making excessive noise, throwing-up on our property, blocking our driveway, and using our parking lot as a washroom or as a venue for romantic encounters. However, the Board recognizes that it is difficult and onerous for C-Lounge security to control these patrons once they leave the C-Lounge premises.

In response to this ongoing problem, the Board and management have contracted with a well-established security firm to provide our building with a part-time security guard.

The duties of the security guard will include patrolling our property between the hours of 9:00pm and 3:00am on Friday, Saturday and Monday, which are the busiest times for C-Lounge. He will prevent unauthorized access by C-Lounge patrons/ vehicles onto our property, and he will also control vehicles and taxis blocking our driveway.

As part of the Board’s ongoing negotiations with Liberty Entertainment Group, the operator of C-Lounge, the Board has negotiated an agreement in which Liberty Entertainment will unconditionally reimburse our condo corporation in full for all costs associated with this new security contract.

Therefore, this security service comes at no expense to the unit owners or the corporation.

Because these negotiations are ongoing, the Board hopes to further work towards establishing a reasonable level of peace and quiet this summer, on behalf of all residents.

The Board has directed our security firm with the following terms under our contract. Please be aware that:

1. The security guard will check in at 9:00 pm and leave at 3:00 am on designated nights. In cases of after-hours events, the security guard will remain on-site longer as needed.

2. Upon check-in, the security guard will make one-round of designated interior common areas followed by a patrol of our parking lot and exterior grounds. The majority of his shift will be spent maintaining watch over our main driveway and controlling unauthorized pedestrian or vehicular entry. At the end of his shift he will make a final patrol of our parking lot, exterior grounds, and designated interior common areas. He will have full access to all common areas but he will not be given access to any individual units.

3. The security guard will maintain a nightly log of all incidents and occurrences and forward this report to the Board.

4. C-Lounge has agreed to grant our security guard with the authority to direct C-Lounge doormen and security personnel, or seek their assistance when necessary. He will also maintain 2-way radio contact with C-Lounge security, but will not be required to assist them or take direction from C-Lounge management, unless it is in our building’s security interest.

5. The security guard will be in standard uniform while on premises. Although likely unnecessary, he will be equipped with handcuffs and will have the proper training and authority to conduct a lawful arrest if necessary. However as part of our agreement with C-Lounge, he will only do so if absolutely necessary, and will be instructed to diffuse any situations with as much tact as possible.

6. To maintain consistency, the security firm will provide us with a dedicated guard so that the same individual will be working at our building.

7. The security guard has been instructed to treat our residents and their guests with a high level of respect and courtesy. However the Board would ask all residents to in turn be courteous to our guard -- and bear with him if he briefly questions you or your guests initially, until he becomes familiar with individual residents.

8. The security guard will assist residents when requested to do so, and will accompany residents or guests to a nearby vehicle parked on the street or off the premises, at his discretion. However residents should be aware that he is not our concierge. In order to avoid possible confusion or misunderstanding, residents should be aware that the security guard will be authorized to take directions from the corporation’s Board of Directors and/ or management only. Residents should generally refrain from attempting to give orders or direct the actions of the security guard, unless a situation clearly calls for it.

If a resident experiences any problems with our security guard, the Board should be notified immediately by phone or email.


Kyle Pae,
President Board of Directors MTCC 1232

On behalf of:

Dragi Dodesvski, Vice-President

Matt Armstrong, Secretary

Liron Daniels/ Gabriel Bengino, Harris Property Management


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Liberty Entertainment takes over Touch Lounge

Liberty Entertainment Group, which operates C-Lounge, have taken over Touch Lounge to the north of our property.

Due to our concern over excess noise with both C-Lounge and Touch Lounge as immediate neighbours, the Board has met with Liberty Entertainment Group and are planning a second meeting with them again, within the next two weeks. The primary issues will be noise control, security, acoustic damping of the building, garbage and food disposal, and sound control from the large capacity patio.


intercom repair

Some residents using Bell Sympatico as their ISP have experienced problems with the intercom system in our two lobbies. Common among these problems was an inability to hear the person in the lobby via the intercom, and difficulty opening the door via the phone line.

Recently our intercom contractor found the problem resulted from the absence of a relay filter for certain types of high-speed internet connections. The filter has been installed and the affected residents have all reported that the system is working properly.

If you are experiencing any intercom problems, please contact Gabby or Liron at Harris Management (416)915-9115.


C-Lounge delivery trucks - Keep off the grass!

Some residents have witnessed C-Lounge delivery trucks drive over our grass lawn to access the C-Lounge parking lot, resulting in some damage to the lawn and property.

The board has considered the addition of a bollard to that area of our property to block vehicle access, or possibly a large landscaping rock surrounded by plantings.

In the meantime, I had a meeting with C-Lounge/ Liberty Entertainment to discuss this issue and they agreed to address it immediately. All of their delivery drivers have now been instructed to stop doing this.

If you see a vehicle enter the C-Lounge parking lot via our lawn, please notify the Board and make note of the date, time and vehicle.


HVAC Units cleaned

On Tuesday May 22nd and Wednesday May 23rd all HVAC units were cleaned and inspected.
The main filters were also replaced in each unit.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Trees are no place for garbage

The unsightly plastic bags caught up in our tree branches have been perennial eyesores. They have recently all been removed, and our landscaper is now committed to monitoring our trees to keep them garbage-free.


Spring landscaping

The board and management met with our landscaper last month to inspect the grounds and discuss plans for the summer season.

As part of our cost-cutting efforts, the grounds will receive no new plantings and will undergo regular maintenance and trimming only.
The exception is the area of bare topsoil atop the north retaining wall which has recently received new plantings.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Window Washing

Our building's spring window-cleaning has been scheduled for:

Monday May 7.

For your privacy, you may wish to close your blinds or curtains while this work is being done.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mailbox Unit-Number Tags

A significant number of mailbox unit-number tags have fallen off. New tags have been made and all tags will be replaced. The new numbers will reflect the proper designations of our units (as 105 instead of 1-5 for example). Also, they will employ lock-washers to prevent loosening in the future.


Monday, April 16, 2007

KSRA Opposition Notices to the AGCO

The board's position is to support the KSRA because its mandate is in the best interests of our neighbourhood and ultimately our building. However it is up to each resident to submit opposition notices when they are forwarded to you in the future. The board will not direct residents to take specific actions, but will offer the information to allow residents to make their own decisions.

In response to some residents' feedback, future opposition notices will be posted here rather than emailed directly to owners.

Air-conditioning service: New Heat-Air Contract

Our main chiller will be activated (and our heating de-activated) sometime in May, depending on the weather. The date of this changeover will be posted so that residents can check to ensure proper functioning of their A/C units.

If a unit owner has a problem with their in-suite A/C unit, then our Declaration considers it their responsibility to service it. However in the past, residents have had difficulty finding service, especially during peak times when demand for service personnel is high. In response, the Board has negotiated an agreement with our Heat Air Mechanical contractor to provide in-unit service (and bill residents for such service directly).

The resident is under no obligation to use this contractor, but it is an option that is now available. The contractor will determine whether the service relates to in-unit elements or condominium common-supply elements and will bill either the resident or the condominium corporation accordingly.

The advantages to the resident of being included in our service contract are:
- the residential portion has been contracted at a fixed favourable rate with priority response time,
- our contractor is familiar with all aspects of our specific heat-air system.

Thanks to Harris Management, our new service contract was negotiated at reduced cost from previous years and now includes service to residential elements, with demarcated billing.

If you require in-unit heat or air conditioning service, you may call our building's service contractor directly:

Heat-Air Mechanical Services Inc.
Reference MTCC 1232, 436 Wellington Street West


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

More On Garbage...

A reminder that large items such as furniture should not be left in the garbage room -- these items won't be picked up. Residents are responsible for arranging large-item disposal. You can easily schedule special bulk pickup by calling:

Waste Management Services
special bulk pickup dispatch

This is a free service.


On Garbage...

A reminder to all residents that garbage and items for recycling should be placed in the bins inside the garbage room. It appears that someone is still placing garbage outside the garbage room door. Not only is this an eyesore, it also attracts pests and vermin.
If you don't have a key to the garbage room, please contact Gabriel at Harris Management, 416-915-9115 ext.22.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Board Welcomes George

The board welcomes George Dumitru as the new interim Secretary.
Karin has had much on her plate lately and is stepping down to devote her time to other responsibilities, whereas her husband George has been interested in serving on the board for some time.

He has been appointed to take her place until the next AGM, when the position will be filled via election.
Many thanks to Karin for all the great work.


The Blog is Back! MTCC 1232 Updates

The board of directors looks forward to keeping you updated via this new blog, which now runs on a permanent, non-Beta template and should be here to stay. There will also be a periodic printed newsletter prepared by our property management company, Harris Management, which will compliment the online blog.

Although much has transpired since the last entry in the fall, the general focus of Harris Management has been to continue their cost-cutting mandate by finding better contracts or renegotiating our current ones more favourably. Thanks to Liron at Harris Management, our elevator contract was renegotiated $4,000 per year less (29%) than the previous contract, and our new cleaning contract with LMC saves us $8,000 per year. Similarly, costs were reduced in landscaping, management, banking fees, our gas supply contract and recently our heat-air mechanical contract. As a result, there was no increase in condominium common element fees this year.

Thanks again to Harris Management for their commitment to maintaining our building's high standards with minimal increases to our condo fees.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

King-Spadina Secondary Plan Review Study

From: Don Rodbard, King-Spadina Residents Association
To: Directors
Subject: King-Spadina Secondary Plan Review Study Comments - September 19, 2006
Sent: Wednesday 9/20/2006

The Wellington Place Neighbourhood Association and the Draper Street Residents Association have prepared this submittal for Council. KSRA has tentatively given it full support.

Unfortunately, the request has come in sort of eleventh hour and doesn’t permit the kind of discussion we would all have liked.

These comments have clearly hit some of the critical “hot buttons” with respect to planning issues and hopefully we can all be comfortable supporting it.

Please let us know asap – the Council session is tomorrow I believe.

Thank You
KSRA Communications Centre

King-Spadina Secondary Plan Review Study – Comments September 19, 2006

There are many points and recommendations in the Review Study and Staff Report that can be supported.

There are, however, four main areas of concern which we would like to see addressed by further action:

1. Hierarchy of Principles and Rules Governing King-Spadina Planning

The report sees that there is an “… on-going and increasing pressure for development of a form and at heights not contemplated by the planning framework …”

-This is a significant understatement and seriously downplays the part played by the City’s own decision makers in seemingly ignoring nearly every rule, direction, and guideline so far laid down in regards to new building in the area. Significant exceptions are often approved at committee; changes that any reasonable person would conclude, clearly fall outside the committee’s terms of reference.

-All stakeholders have a right to know and expect that planning decision-makers abide by a complete and transparent set of rules. The rules, whether they are bylaws, design guidelines or legal rulings, should be set out in order of precedence .

- Any exceptions to this hierarchy of rules and any inherent but unavoidable conflicts should also be dealt with in a pre-defined process that is completely transparent and accessible to all stakeholders.

-Once all the studies are completed, the input assembled, the decisions made and the buy-in secured, any variance from the plan should then be subject to a much higher degree of public scrutiny and the process itself should not be easy.

We have a golden opportunity in this precinct not only to produce a viable plan but also produce a viable process in which the instinctively competing interests, residential, commercial and civic-institutional can and prefer to work together.

Recommendation #1: That the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division report back to Council on how such a hierarchy of principles and rules governing King Spadina planning can be applied in practice, to ensure a clear process reflecting agreed upon priorities.

2. Residential and Small Business Participation

This community insists that the residential and business communities both participate in the development process.

-We have several interested and highly motivated groups of residents and small business owners in this precinct. We have all bought into the promise of the area … the history, the scale, the rhythm, the style..

-We have invested considerable time, money, and emotion over the past decade(s). We also have a claim on this area that should not be ignored.

-We are also a resource that could and should be tapped.

The building of this precinct should be viewed as a collaborative effort. The city has the opportunity to be a leader in increasing and regularizing stakeholder participation in decision-making and review at all stages, not just token comment after all is said and decided.

There are several positive examples that illustrate a pro-active consultative approach between a developer and local residents such as 66 Portland and 75 Portland. This happened when community meetings were inaugurated prior to any statutory meetings.

Unfortunately there are also just as many examples of development by ambush and decision-making by fiat. Even the acceptance of the current Review Study and the supportive Staff Report seems to change not a thing. Toronto & East York Community Council meeting (11 July 2006) accepted all 8 of the staff report’s recommendations, including:

#4 “ … to review and evaluate all development applications … - including existing applications - in the context of the in-force planning framework … and the recommended modifications and amendments to the planning framework for the Plan area set out in this staff report … “

#5 “… to use the King-Spadina Review Study … for any applications that are currently or may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board …”

#8 “ … take any other actions necessary to implement the directions outlined in this report.”

The decision-making concerning 570 King West seems to make a mockery of the whole planning and review study process, as does that relating to the Home Depot at Queen and Portland.

Appeals to the OMB are not the solution and do not resolve the underlying issues. The average citizen of this city is not enamoured with the process or the city officials who force its constant use. It leaves everyone poorer both financially and in civic spirit.

Recommendation #2: That the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, report back on ways of creating an ongoing and transparent process for community involvement at all stages of the development process.

3. Costs

-There is a cost associated with most of the recommendations and to assert otherwise is naïve. It is better to admit it up front.

-For example, establishing friendlier streetscapes (be it street furniture or plantings) involves both upfront expenditure in design / purchase of hard goods / labour and also on-going expenditure for “supervision” and maintenance; the cost of the proposed Heritage Conservation District study is not provided for.

-All costs need not necessarily come from city pockets.

We offer two examples: the design for the restoration of Victoria Memorial Square, and the design for street improvements on Wellington Street West (between the two local parks; Clarence Square and Victoria Memorial), both cases where the local association covered the cost of the design and then passed it to council for consideration.

There is no reason for the City not to look at alternative methods of delivering on a clean, vibrant, and healthy neighbourhood.

Recommendation #3: That the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, in conjunction with the Director of Financial Planning report back on alternative methods of funding these initiatives, including tax increment financing, community and public/private partnerships, among others.

1. K-S Plan to Synchronize and Co-ordinate With Other Plans / Projections

A precinct plan necessarily impacts on, or is impacted by, several other areas of responsibility, city departments, and neighbouring areas.

-For instance, at least some reference should be made to existing TTC plans and projections and how they impact the area. Do they mesh with employment / residential projections, daily traffic flow patterns?

-Does the call for bike-paths conflict with street improvements. Should there be dedicated paths?

-Traffic flows, pedestrian crossings, signalization, and plans to alter traffic patterns in the area e.g. the Front Street Extension and the Gardiner options, are a concern.

-How does the call for retention / expansion of laneways fit with police patrolling. Does it tie-in with street lighting plans in the next 5 years?

-Do the calls for increased greenery fit into the Parks planning? Is there sufficient volume in the ground for tree root systems as it relates to current underground services? What are the plans for burying hydro lines?

-Garbage collection is an issue. It is not managed properly now; how will it be handled with increased residents? And what of expanded recycling and green bin?

-How does our plan impact or tie into RR Lands? Fort York? Liberty Village? Queen West? Waterfront? Are problems being exported or imported?

Recommendation #4: That the Chief Planner report back, in conjunction with the appropriate officials from Public Works, Parks and TTC on means of synchronizing and co-ordinating the King Spadina Plan with the activities of these other agencies, and the plans for the surrounding areas.

Presented by:

Wellington Place Neighbourhood Association
Draper Street Residents Association

King Spadina Residents Association

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Notice of Opposition to Liquor License for Circa, 126 John St ­ AGCO File No 807407


WE CORRECTED THE TOTAL LICENSED CAPACITY TO 88,000, from 8800. (Our apologies for inconvenience)

KSRA, with the support of Councillor Martin Silva and the City of Toronto legal department intends to vigourously oppose this license application. The Councillor will ask City Council to approve a letter stating the City’s opposition to this license as well. The Councillor’s office is confident that Council will agree. We do expect that 52 Division will want to participate as they have done at prior hearings.

It would be very helpful if our community could muster a large number of opposition notices – several hundreds rather than the several dozens we have submitted in the past. There are early signs of positive changes occurring at the AGCO, massive opposition from our entire community, coming on the heels of The Docks decision will send a strong and useful signal.

We would ask that our members pass this email to any and all neighbours and acquaintances who live in King-Spadina. (KSRA Directors, please re-distribute this email through your internal email systems.)

Below, you will find a draft notice for copying or to use as a basis for your own message.

Deadline for submissions: Sept 8, 2006

Address your email to:

Please copy your email to:

You will receive several standard responses from the AGCO:

the first will acknowledge your notice and advise that the Board is thinking about what to do!
the second will advise a hearing date, most likely some 60 to 90 days after the deadline
attendance at the hearing is not mandatory, it is purely voluntary on your part
KSRA has an experienced team for the actual hearing, but you are certainly welcome to address the Board or simply attend as an observer.

Thank You
KSRA Communications Centre
Subject: Notice of Opposition to Liquor License for Circa, 126 John St – AGCO File No 807407

I object to the issuance of a Liquor License to Circa, 126 John St, Toronto, for the reason that it is not in the public interest of the community surrounding that location.

As a resident in this community I base my opposition on the knowledge that currently there are licenses issued to:

83 night clubs (excluding Circa), having a total capacity of approximately 50,000 persons, and
144 restaurants, bars and bistros, having a total capacity of approximately 38,000 persons.

A total licensed capacity of approximately 88,000 persons, excluding several large licensed hotel convention/banquet areas, in an area that is slightly less than 1 square km, can reasonably be considered as significant over-concentration.

This applicant, Circa, by itself represents:

a 5.8% increase in licensed night club capacity, and
a 3.3% increase in total licensed capacity.

It should be obvious that there is no need for additional licensed capacity in this community and as a resident I can categorically state that I do not wish the AGCO to issue permits for any further licensed capacity until such time that it can be shown that this community is approaching an under-served condition.

Your name
Your address
Your telephone number

-forwarded by the KSRA Communications Centre

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Proposed Large Retail Development at Richmond and Portland

This message is being distributed by KSRA News for the
Wellington Place Neighbourhood Association (WPNA)

In January 2006, RioCan (Canada’s largest real estate investment trust) acquired a site one block east of Bathurst Street and bordered by Queen, Portland and Richmond Streets.

RioCan is exploring a number of development scenarios including a pure retail facility of approximately 125,000 square feet or a multi-use facility of about 200,000 square feet. A residential tower is also being considered.

Negotiations with several national retailers (thought to be Home Depot and Dominion Grocers) to occupy all of the retail space are well advanced.

This project would not have been possible if the City of Toronto hadn’t quietly sold the laneway that formerly ran through the middle of the lot to the developer.

So far, the City has demonstrated an unwillingness to disclose details of the project to local retailers and residents.

It is imperative that we organize a response to the potential construction of a “big-box” retailer on Queen Street West.

We need to make sure that:
  • whatever parking is built on the site is public;
  • traffic planning must respect the local neighbourhood.
  • any structure must be sensitive to the architectural heritage of Queen Street West.

Please consider attending the first of three public meetings on:

Tuesday, August 29th,
6 pm – 7 pm,
The Cameron House,
408 Queen Street West (Back Room)

Please Note:
WPNA is circulating a petition for those who are interested.
Ans as is usual, the City does not give a great deal of advance warning for proposed new developments.
If you wish to add your name to this petition, send an email to:

KSRA News will forward that information to WPNA in time for the Public Meeting.

KSRA wishes to add a caution about Rio Can that the WPNA people were not aware of. This company owns Rio Can Hall (formerly Festival Hall) at John St and Richmond St West. Rio Can Hall is the site of 2 very large night clubs – Circa (formerly Lucid), capacity 3000 persons; and Republik, capacity 1100 persons. Rio Can appears to be encouraging Circa in spite of the fact that its alleged owner has had some rather serious legal issues arising out of his night club ownership in New York City.

Thank You

-forwarded by the KSRA Communications Centre

Annual Draper Street Party

The residents of Draper Street are having their annual party on September 9.
It's always great and everyone is welcome!
Please see the attached notice for more details.

Scott James
Secretary, WPNA

- forwarded by Henry

MTCC 1232 Updates

The doors of the lower level units were repainted on August 11th. Along with the new hostas that were replanted in the lower level garden beds earlier this summer, this should give the west side of our building a fresher appearance.

The first phase of the window repairs was completed on Monday August 21st. A service person inspected the mechanisms in the units with reported problems and took inventory of the parts required to complete the repairs. The final repair date will be announced.

The north retaining wall in our parking lot has been inspected and it is in need of repair. We are awaiting quotes from our property manager before any work is commenced.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

AGCO revokes the Docks liquor licence over noise complaints

From: The Toronto Star
Tuesday Jul. 25, 2006
In a precedent-setting move, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario has revoked the liquor licence of the Docks, a waterfront nightclub and entertainment complex, over noise complaints.

This is the first time the commission has revoked a liquor licence based solely on the issue of noise - a decision that could serve as a warning to other nightclub owners.

The Docks, which can hold 10,000 partygoers, has long been the subject of complaints and frustration from Toronto Island residents, who have waged a 10-year battle to get the facility to turn down the music.

Now it appears the islanders have won - although their victory may be short-lived because the Docks plans to appeal the decision. "We're not breaking out the champagne yet," said island resident Vivian Pitcher.

Read the full Toronto Star story here

Forwarded to the board by resident Peter H.
If you have news that may be of interest to our residents, please feel free to email it to any board member.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Annual Fire Alarm Test - Tuesday August 1st, 2006

Please be advised that the corporation will be conducting the annual fire alarm test on


between the hours of

9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM

Access to all units will be required in order to make certain that the part of the fire alarm system that is in those suites operates as designed.

Please ensure that all internal alarm systems are put on standby or provide management with a disarm code.

At the start, the alarm will sound continuously in order to inspect the common element areas. After this test, the alarms will sound intermittently.

In the event of a fire emergency, after the fire test has been completed, the alarm will sound continuously for over three (3) minutes and should be obeyed.

We regret any inconvenience caused by this testing but trust you will understand the importance of performing this work.

The Board and Management

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Dead Tree Removal Update - Some Cars Need to be Moved

The dead elm tree in the northwest corner will be removed on Sunday July 30th.
The tree removers have notified us that vehicles in the following parking spots must be moved by 9am on that day:

Parking spots #18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

and any bicycles and motorcycles parked in the corner lot.

Some suggested alternate parking includes on Wellington Street and the parking lot across the street.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Air conditioning update

The chiller is working and in many instances is bigger than the building needs in size. You may recall that we have had problems with the chiller shutting down because of low demand, not high demand. We also have to consider that the units have large areas of glass and most owners have little to no window coverings to prevent heat penetration through the glass. We are also now going through a heat wave and that adds to the stress of the system and its overall effectiveness because the chilled water comes from the basement to the top floor before it returns to the chiller. With everyone on the system using it to its maximum means that higher floors will have warmer chilled water than lower floors providing less effective air conditioning.

We also had a recent power failure, causing individual insuite directional flow valves to close and the solenoid has not re-opend some of them. This prevents chilled water from entering the coils of the individual fan coil units in the suites. In addition, the main chiller does not automatically turn back on after a power failure and we require the attendance of a technician to restart the chiller. This was a built in safety on the system but has become a bit of a nuisance. Since I don't live there, I need someone to tell me that a power failure occured for long enough to affect the chiller so that I can call a Technician in to restart it.

I have had many calls about the air conditioning and have been successful in getting owners/resident to reset their insuite valves by getting them to turn off their suite power for about 5 to 10 seconds and then turn it back on. This seems to be the solution to the problem for many of the residents. Servicing and repair and maintenance of the insuite fan coil units are the responsibility of the unit owner. Many have had little to no maintenance done on them since installation and many people don't even change their filters regularly. Much of this contributes to lower effective individual air conditioning. I would be happy to take direction from anyone on anything else we can do to assist in getting better AC. I have to date asked if there is anyway that we can install an automatic restart of the chiller after a power failure and am waiting for a written response, hopefully with a positive suggestion.


Bert Berger, Property Manager
Vellum Group

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

King-Spadina Residents Association: Noise Log

Quite apart from any past or ongoing “discussions” with club owners, this facility helps to create a credible, centralized database for the area.
This also makes for an easy way to keep a “noise log” which the AGCO would want to see if there was a complaint.

Report club problems to the police at 416-808-2222. Obtain the police log number. Go to the KSRA website and record the info on the form.

I did test it by sending in 2 recent complaints I had: Touch Lounge on Friday 23 June and C Lounge on Monday, 10 July. Both were accepted and an automated confirmation was sent back for each.

The better records we have, the better chance we have of combating the big nuisance element of the club operations.


The KSRA Noise Incident Report Form is now linked in our sidebar.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Our main chiller unit was serviced earlier today (Tuesday July 18th) but it is still failing to provide adequate air conditioning to our units. A service person is scheduled to service it again first thing tomorrow morning (Wednesday July 19th).


Friday, July 14, 2006

New Exterior Lighting

You may have noticed new lighting fixtures flanking the doors to our garbage room. The intention is to provide better security and lighting of our vehicles without having excessive light directed into our suites.

C-Lounge Noise

This has been an ongoing problem for which we’ve been unable to find a workable solution. The board will be meeting with Nick Di Donato (owner of Liberty Entertainment) and Ian (C-Lounge manager) to discuss some options. Our main concerns are:

-excessive noise and in particular, noise after 11pm*
-parking and crowd gatherings on our property and lawn
-trespassing by patrons into our parking lot
-blockage of our driveway by taxis and patrons

*The noise by-law is here: (relevant to us is section 591-4, pages 4-6)

What we hope to achieve in this meeting is to have noise reduced to reasonable levels that are acceptable to us without compromising Nick’s business. We also hope to have his door security instructed and trained to manage crowd gatherings away from our front lawn, keep our driveway clear, and stop patrons from wandering into our parking lot. We'd like his indoor and patio staff to control overly loud voices, singing, chanting etc.

In the meantime, the board will also explore a “last resort” option of submitting a formal complaint to the AGCO to revoke C-Lounge’s license to sell alcohol based upon the repeated failure to comply with the conditions of the license.


Goodbye Dead Tree

The large elm tree in our northwest corner has been long-dead from suspected Dutch-elm disease. The board has arranged for its removal, and the city has granted permission to do so. The date of removal - to be announced. Some of the vehicles parked adjacent to the corner structure will have to be moved on that day.


Window not closing properly?

If your window doesn’t close properly, or requires unreasonable force to close, you’re not alone. Several unit owners have complained about this.

Due to the weight of the open window, the hinge mechanism becomes misaligned after leaving the window open for long periods.

Arrangements will be made to have all of these malfunctioning windows serviced soon. To prevent future problems, we advise residents to not open their windows beyond an angle of about 30 degrees.

Please leave your first name and unit number (in the comment section below) if you have a malfunctioning window in your suite. Or email directly to Karin at:


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Message from the President, MTCC 1232

Dear friends and neighbours,

Thank you for having me as your new president -- I'll do my best. Thanks to Henry, the outgoing president, who helped bring me up to speed and is thankfully sticking around.

Although the mandate of the Board of Directors is to run the affairs of the corporation (and not specifically to communicate with unit owners), one of the goals of this new board is to improve transparency between it and the unit owners. It behooves us to keep you informed about the issues affecting your homes and investments. Many condo corporations find newletters to be the simplest and most effective way to keep people abreast of what's going on, and the blog format allows unit owners and residents to comment or ask questions.

So here it is... I hope you find it helpful. Be sure to read the “Previous Posts” and “Archives” to catch up on older news.

To make comments click on the "comments" icon below each post and sign-in with either your unit number or with your first name and last initial.

You can also email any of the board of directors directly:




Or, Bert (Vellum Group):


Kyle Pae